Monday 11 May 2009


  • On the basis of the intrahepatic distribution of the hepatic artery, the portal vein and the biliary ducts, the liver can be divided into right and left functional lobes.
  •  These do not correspond to the anatomical lobes of the liver. 
  • The physiological lobes are separated by a plane passing, on the antero- superior surface along a line joining the cystic notch to the grove for the inferior vena cava. On the inferior surface the plane passes through the fossa for the gall bladder and on the posterior surface it passes through the middle of the caudate lobe.

  • The right lobe is subdivided into anterior and posterior segments and the left lobe into medial and lateral segments.
  •  Thus there are four segments in the liver: 
    Right anterior 
    Right posterior
    Left lateral
    Left medial
  • Some authorities further subdivide each of these
     segments into the upper and lower parts.
    The hepatic segments are of surgical importance.


  • Segment I Caudate lobe
  • Segment II Lateral segment left lobe (superior)
  • Segment III Lateral segment left lobe ( inferior)
  • Segment IV Medial segment left lobe 
  • Segment V Anterior segment right lobe ( inferior)
  • Segment VI Posterior segment rightlobe (inferior)
  • Segment VII Posterior segmentright lobe(superior)
  • Segment VIII Anterior segment right lobe(superior)